Learn Khandeshi (Ahirani) – Audio

Listen to basic words and sentences in Khandeshi language



I https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/01.mp3?_=1 Me
He https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/02.mp3?_=2 To/ tyane
She https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/03.mp3?_=3 Ti
You https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/04.mp3?_=4 Tu/ tumle
It https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/05.mp3?_=5 Hau
A https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/06.mp3?_=6 Yak
Come https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/07.mp3?_=7 Yena
Came https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/08.mp3?_=8 Vana (to)/ vani (ti)/ vanat (tya)
Will come https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/09.mp3?_=9 Yenar she (to)/ yenar she (ti)/ yenar shetas (tya)
Open https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/10.mp3?_=10 Ughdna/ kholna
Opened https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/11.mp3?_=11 Ughda (tyane)/ ughda (tine)/ ughda (tyasni )
Will open https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/12.mp3?_=12 Kholin (to )/ kholin (ti)/ kholtin (tya)
Sit https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/13.mp3?_=13 Bas
Walk https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/14.mp3?_=14 Chalna
Eat https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/15.mp3?_=15 Kha
Drink https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/16.mp3?_=16 Pee
Go https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/17.mp3?_=17 Jaa
Run https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/18.mp3?_=18 Pal
He is eating an apple. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/19.mp3?_=19 To safarchand khai rahina.
He ate an apple. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/20.mp3?_=20 Tyani safarchand khad.
I saw the film last week. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/21.mp3?_=21 Me mangla aathvdale cinema phaya.
She came by bus yesterday. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/22.mp3?_=22 Ti kaldis esti var vani.
They went to the temple. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/23.mp3?_=23 Tya mandirma gayat.
He slept the whole night. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/24.mp3?_=24 To ratbhar zopna.
He wrote well in the examination. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/25.mp3?_=25 Tyane paper changla likhat.
He has eaten. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/26.mp3?_=26 Tyane khai ghid.
He had eaten. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/27.mp3?_=27 Tyane khai ghid vhat.
He had gone. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/28.mp3?_=28 To ninghi gaya tha.
He had come. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/29.mp3?_=29 To vantha.
He will eat. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/30.mp3?_=30 To khai ghi.
He will go. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/31.mp3?_=31 To jai.
He will come. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/32.mp3?_=32 To ee.
What is your name? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/33.mp3?_=33 Tumne nav kay she?
What https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/34.mp3?_=34 Kay
Is https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/35.mp3?_=35 She.
Your https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/36.mp3?_=36 Tumne (same word used for both male and female)
Name https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/37.mp3?_=37 Naav
What did you do? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/38.mp3?_=38 Tumhi kay kaya?
What should I do? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/39.mp3?_=39 Me kay karu?
What can I do? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/40.mp3?_=40 Me kay karu shakas?
What are the questions? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/41.mp3?_=41 Kay prashn she?
What were the questions? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/42.mp3?_=42 Kay prashn vhatat?
What is the last question? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/43.mp3?_=43 Shevtna prashn kay she?
What is written in the letter? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/44.mp3?_=44 Patrama kay lihel she?
What you had been told? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/45.mp3?_=45 Tumle kay sang vhato?
What will be the answer? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/46.mp3?_=46 Uttar kay hui?
Why did you come? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/47.mp3?_=47 Tumhi kabar vanat?
Why did you sleep? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/48.mp3?_=48 Tumhi kabar zopnat?
Why did you tell him to go? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/49.mp3?_=49 Tumhi tyale javale kabar sango?
Why did he bring the bag? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/50.mp3?_=50 To pishvi kasale ghi vana?
Why did she pay the money? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/51.mp3?_=51 Tyane paisa kabar didat?
Why did they sit there? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/52.mp3?_=52 Tya tathe kasale basna vhatat?
Why do you drive the car? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/53.mp3?_=53 Tu/ tumhi gadi kasale chalavtas?
Why did they come late for the meeting? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/54.mp3?_=54 Tya meetingle ushira kabar vanat?
How did you come? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/55.mp3?_=55 Tu/ tumhi kasha vanat?
How did you sleep? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/56.mp3?_=56 Tumhi kasha zopnat?
How did you drive the car? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/57.mp3?_=57 Tumhi gadi kashi chaladi?
How did you write? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/58.mp3?_=58 Tumhi kasa livha?
How many apples are there in my hand? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/59.mp3?_=59 Mana hathma kitla safarchand shetas?
How many did you take? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/60.mp3?_=60 Tumhi kitla ghidat?
How much did he pay you? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/61.mp3?_=61 Tyane tumle kitla paisa didat?
How much distance to go? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/62.mp3?_=62 Aakho kitla dur jan she?
How was the journey yesterday? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/63.mp3?_=63 Kaldisna pravas kasa vhata?
Which way did you come? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/64.mp3?_=64 Tu/ tumhi konta rasta dhari vanat?
Which is your favourite colour? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/65.mp3?_=65 Tuna/ tumna aavdta rang konta she?
In which room did you sleep? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/66.mp3?_=66 Tu/ tumhi konta kholima zopna vhatat?
Which story did you tell? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/67.mp3?_=67 Tumhi kothli gosht sangi?
Which is the sweetest fruit? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/68.mp3?_=68 Saglat god fal konta she?
Which is the best newspaper in Hindi? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/69.mp3?_=69 Hindima saglat changla paper kothla she?
Which Indian state has the largest population? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/70.mp3?_=70 Bharatma konti rajyani loksankhya jast she?
Where are you coming from? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/71.mp3?_=71 Tumhi/ tu kathain yee rahinat?
Where did you sleep? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/72.mp3?_=72 Tu kothe zopna?
Where is the manager’s cabin? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/73.mp3?_=73 Manager na hapis katha she?
Where should I go? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/74.mp3?_=74 Me kothe javale pahije?
Is it a book? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/75.mp3?_=75 Hai pustak she ka?
Yes, it is a book. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/76.mp3?_=76 Ha, hai pustak she .
Is it the answer? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/77.mp3?_=77 Hai uttar she ka?
Yes, it is the answer. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/78.mp3?_=78 Ha, hai uttar she.
Will you come with me? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/79.mp3?_=79 Tumhi manasange ishat ka?
I shall come with you. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/80.mp3?_=80 Me tuna sange isu?
Will you give me your pen? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/81.mp3?_=81 Tu male tuna pen dishi ka?
Yes, of course. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/82.mp3?_=82 Ha disu, nakki.
Do you love me? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/83.mp3?_=83 Tu manavar prem karas ka?
Yes, I love you. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/84.mp3?_=84 Ha, man tunavar prem she (same for both male and female).
No, I don’t love you. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/85.mp3?_=85 Nahi, man tunavar prem nahi she (same for both male and female).
Can you give me your pen? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/86.mp3?_=86 Tumhi male tumna pen deu shaktas ka?
Can you lift the box? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/87.mp3?_=87 Tumhi hou khok uchlu shaktas ka?
Can you write the exam? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/88.mp3?_=88 Tu pariksha devu shakas ka?
Did you have lunch? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/89.mp3?_=89 Tumhi duparne jevan kay ka?
How are you? https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/90.mp3?_=90 Tu/ tumhi kasha shetas?
I am fine. https://www.languageshome.com/Khandeshi_Audio/91.mp3?_=91 Me thik/ changla she.


2 thoughts on “Learn Khandeshi (Ahirani) – Audio”

  1. Eat Kha = Khay
    Drink Pee = Pe
    Go Jaa = Jaay
    Run Pal = Pay
    Will you come with me? Tumhi manasange ishat ka? ( For Plural it is correct , But for singular = Tu manasange yesi kaa ? )
    All the time verb get changed with person,honour, sex , singular or plural

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